Thursday, August 24, 2006

MIT Supply Chain 2020

Have you guys gone through proceedings from this project that MIT and Zaragoza are working on? I have gone through few phases only and their findings are quite interesting and informative. Let me know if we should discuss any topic from this through email group (let’s not use blog for discussions)\


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Supply Chain Standards

Anybody on the project where client has used the SCM standards that Prashant mentioned? I will check more on this and it would be quite interesting to know how theory is used in implementing supply chain software or methods.



Monday, August 21, 2006

Definition of SCM

Hi Johan,

I like your definition. It is practical and covers all the processes in SCM. You have covered all the Planning and Execution components. One thing that I would like to add is the Key Performance Indicators (KPI's). I like to call it Supply Chain Analytics.

1) Define Key Performance Indicators for the Supply Chain (Fill Rates, Service Levels, etc)
2) Supply Chain Planning
3) Supply Chain Execution
4) Measure performance as per the KPIs set in step 1.


Friday, August 04, 2006

Memorable Quote by Peter Drucker

Here's a memorable quote by the Father of Modern Management:

"There is nothing quite so useless as doing with great efficiency what should not be done at all."

- Classic Drucker

Neccessary but not sufficient - Goldratt


I had been trying to find this book for quite some time. Was able to get it from a online store last week. I think it is a must read for all IT professionals in general and for ERP and SCM professionals in particular.

If we go by the 80/20 rule, this book tells us exactly what are the things that we should really be focusing on when we create or implement ERP or SCM software. The best thing about Goldratt books is that even though they use fictional scenarious, we can immediately correlate them with our real life experiences, customers and projects.

This is a book that all of us must have in our collection.


Thursday, August 03, 2006

Standards and Models in SCM


Been a long time since did any posting on this blog. Since I joined Patni have been reading about lots of standards and models that are in use in SCM projects.

Here are some standards which I think will last for quite some time, as they have been tried and tested on quite a few big projects:

1) Supply Chain Operations Reference Model (SCOR) - This is a generic model which has been established by the Supply Chain Council (SCC) and is gaining a lot of acceptance.

2) Rosettanet - This is a standard for exchanging data between 2 applications. This standard is primarily for hi tech industry like computers, electornics, telecommunication, etc. Many Fortune 100 companies like Motorola, etc are using this.

3) Voluntary Interindustry Commerce Standard (VICS) for CPFR implementations - This standard is gaining wide acceptance for many CPFR implementations.

Do let me know if you have come across any new ones that are catching on in the market.
